乐博彩票官方app公司已经在印度经营了120多年, while half of the current 240 companies present have entered in the last twelve years. Together the company group employs more than 200,000 people directly and 2,200,000 indirectly.
在大流行后的环境中, 我们看到印度在未来的全球价值链中占据更大的空间, and the recently reinitiated discussion on a Free 贸易 Agreement between EU and 印度 is one step in the right direction.
Majority of respondents (67 per cent) in 2022 survey indicated that they perceive the business climate in the 印度 is Very Good/Good, while only seven per cent companies holding a more negative than a positive view.
Majority of surveyed Swedish companies in our sample report that the “Swedish brand” positively contributes to their business activities in 印度 irrespective of the company size and industry sectors.
We hope that this report will give you a useful overview of the business environment in 印度, 特别是对尚未进入印度乐博彩票官方app的贵公司. 我们乐博彩票官方app印度队随时准备欢迎你们!
Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis.
The Business Climate Survey is a tool developed to map the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business in 印度. This report presents the conclusions drawn from the survey and an analysis based on the current business situation, 经济前景, as well as other market aspects believed to be relevant for companies operating or planning to establish themselves in 印度.
All of the current 240+ Swedish companies in 印度 were invited to participate in this survey. Out of the 240+ Swedish companies, 172 companies responded to the survey i.应答率约为72%.
Thank you to all of you who took the time to participate in the survey and contributed with your thoughts and experience. And we trust you will find this report serves as a valuable as well as an informative tool.